welmo app

What We Do

AI-based personalised meal plans to help you achieve your goals and defeat health issues like digestive complaints, hormonal imbalances, skin and hair disorders, and more.

Personalized meal plans

Extensive daily meal plans to counter your chosen health problem customized to your tastes and preferences.

Real-time performance scoring and analytics

Real-time scores to help monitor your performance and stay on truck.

Unlimited food insights, recipes and articles

Extensive information on food and ingredients to empower you to make the right choices.

Why Welmo Works?

Our proprietary food group based algorithm crafted by India’s leading nutritionist, Ishi Khosla, works across prominent health problems and suggests easy-to-follow meal plans with innumerable food options that are controlled by you.

Inspired by the expert, Ishi Khosla’s 25 year old practice, Welmo’s algorithm is based on the quality of food intake that leads to better quality of life and helps solve underlying health issues.

Welmo does not stop at calories, it dives deeper to align your food groups through its proprietary algorithm. It focuses on the quality of the calories rather than quantity.

Welmo will aim to teach users how to plan daily food intake better in a transparent manner with options managed completely by the user based on the problems they face and not fads, trends or unapproachable ingredients.
welmo app

Welmo is ishi khosla’s brainchild

Ms. Ishi Khosla is a practicing clinical nutritionist, columnist, author, an entrepreneur, researcher and welfare worker. She has professed the importance of mindful eating in tackling lifestyle diseases for the last 25 years. She has formulated the algorithm behind Welmo as a way to keep overall wellness a priority to solve weight and health issues.

She is actively involved in clinical practice at the Centre For Dietary Counseling in Delhi where she deals with a wide range of nutrition related health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, food allergies, digestive, immune system, neuro psychiatric and endocrine disorders in adults and children.

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